Scorekeeping 101

 One of the main things that help make the APA the largest and most popular amateur pool league in the world is our Equalizer Handicap System. This system allows low skilled players to compete with higher skill level players each time they step up to the table. APA teams collect data for this system by utilizing scoresheets to record the matches of each player. For our handicap system to work fairly and effectively, these scoresheets must be completed accurately.

 How is my handicap calculated?

 This question is one of the most common that the APA and League Operators hear from members around the country.  The APA website has a document that helps explain the Equalizer Handicap System. Please click here to view it.

 How to Keep Score:  8-Ball

Please download the above flyer as a companion for league night, to help remind you how to properly keep score. 

 How to Keep Score:  9-Ball

9-Ball Scorekeeping Flyer
Please download the above flyer as a companion for league night, to help remind you how to properly keep score. 

 Understanding Defensive Shots

 The main thing to remember - The Equalizer Handicap System works perfectly when players just concentrate on playing their game.  In fact, BOTH players in a given match must break the rules before the system will fail.  One player must deliberately miss shots, resulting in more turns (innings) - and his opponent must fail to mark the deliberate misses on the scoresheet as defensive shots.

Submitting Completed Scoresheets

 When you have finished your weekly league night, completed paperwork & payment should be placed in the return envelope, and mailed back to the League Office.
APA of Philadelphia members have the additional option of digitally submitting their scoresheets, as well as making online payments for League Fees.
To submit scoresheets, please use the CamScanner app (instructions found here) and email the document to  Then, go to the APA Philly website and click on the link (in left navigation menu) for "Credit Card Payments" to submit payment using a debit/credit card. 
*NOTE:  If you choose not to email the scoresheet to, you could text the picture of paperwork to:  (215)470-2818.